Course Description: Depending on the kind of outbound calling you are performing, you may find yourself in the position of having to get past a “gatekeeper”. This is the guardian secretary that is trained to screen you before you are directed to your decision maker. For years, salespeople have tried tricky maneuvers to get through the “gatekeeper” when cold calling businesses. These tactics alarm secretaries to screen more thoroughly and the majority of them know exactly how to screen these callers and ensure these types of callers don’t get through. In this training, you will learn proven techniques that are unique and powerful to help you get through gatekeepers. By learning how to get past the most trained secretary or receptionist, you will have more opportunities to meet with decision makers. This course will improve your overall prospecting experience when calling businesses!
Some of the most common and uncommon objections you will face are:
Learn how totake control of the conversation by answering a question with a question or direct the gatekeeper to do something that gains your control back.
Alternative words are given to help you change what you say with a more positive and proactive approach
You will be given dialogs to help you have greater control of the gatekeeper process
Never leave a message with a gatekeeper! Instead, gain insightful information from the secretary to help you get through on your second call.
Statements are included that expresses confidence in your approach and bring more decision makers to you
Control methods are included that are not-intrusive and honest
Scripts are provided to increase your success when speaking with the decision maker.
What words are Emotion Impact, what words influence Negative Reactions, and what words best describe Positive Qualities?
Whenyou fail to get through on the first call, how you end that dialog will help you get through on the second call. Scriptsare included to help you get through the gatekeeper on your callbacks.
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