Course Description: In this training, you will learn the 3 fears your prospects have when being prospected. Many presentations can project a negative image in the prospect’s mind, and this is primarily due to poor agent delivery. Today, more than ever, it’s vital to develop techniques that distinguish an agent not only from other competing agents within their industry but also from those who are aggressively fighting for the same prospect’s time and money.
Skills you will learn
What are the 3 primary fear points of your prospects?
How to use a 12 Step Method designed to overcome these fears before they surface into early resistance
Techniques how to overcome the fears and gain control of your presentation
Overcome unnecessary objections in less than 20 seconds of your presentation
How you can spend less time dialing and more time presenting to the right prospects
Proven tools to engage your prospects and remain in control of your presentation
How to reduce resistance early on in your presentation
Learn the “Easy Close” that helps you continue with your presentation and rid of those who are time wasters
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