Course Description: This is a three-part course series.Have you have ever asked yourself…….
- How do I set goals?
- What is time management and how do I implement it in my daily schedule?
- Can I really motivate myself?
- How can I take control without offending anyone?
- It’s easier if I handle it than give it to someone else!
- Can I really have greater success and satisfaction in my work?
If any of these questions have been on your mind at one time or another, then this training is for you!This training is caulked full of “how to”and useful tips to increase your knowledge and awareness designed toimproveyour daily life and make it more manageable and productive!
Some of the most common and uncommon objections you will face are:
Proven concepts that help you effectively manage your time and yourself
Defining Approach and Hook statements and how they can help you improve your presentation
When your customer is unreasonable or taking you off track, you will be given full proof methods that will gain back your control without offending your customer
You should have short and long-term goals. Learn how to manage your goals to help you achieve them
Everyone needs to improve their time management. Useful tips are provided to help you manage your time more effectively, so you can end your day feeling more accomplished
To have a more successful life, follow the DEW method. What is exactly the DEW method? You will find out in this training. Youwill learn what it isand how to apply it into your everyday life
Do you want to overcome the Biggest Time Wasters and learn how to properly delegate to free you up for more important tasks? This training will help you discover your biggest time wasters and how you can master control of your time
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