Course Description: Research reveals that the majority of sales calls end without ever asking the prospect to say YES! Having an effective Close should be a natural conclusion to your presentation. Whether you close or how you close will depend on how successful your presentation was performed. You should have confidence in your close. But often many salespeople are afraid to close, or they simply do NOT close. This is a travesty to the sales culture and why many salespeople are typically average or below average producers. When and How to close will ensure a more positive outcome in your presentation and improve your overall experience!
Some of the most common and uncommon objections you will face are:
This training will take you through various closing techniques you can use to ensure a more successful outcome in your close.
You will be given Four actions guides to an effective close along with steps to consider before you attempt to close
There are Three popular closes you will be able to choose from, and you will learn which of the three is ideal to use that is best suited for your prospect
For more originality in your close, you will be given a number of combination and creative closes to further set you apart from your competition
Whether you are using the telephone as a marketing tool, handling customers, or face to face selling, you will be given powerful responses on the most common objections you will ever encounter
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