Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: The trial close is a vital step that gives you an opportunity…. one more time to highlight the positives from what you shared with your prospect in the selling step. In the Trial Close, you will focus on the benefits that your prospect will have the greatest interest in. Additionally, the trial close is the best time, if you are selling a product or service, to cover what the costs are. If you are setting an appointment, then this is the step where you will share the benefits of an appointment one final time to encourage your prospect to meet with you.
The Trial Close tests how well you performed your presentation, and if your offer seems valuable enough for your prospect to agree to move forward. However, it’s also a time to encourage any hidden objections your prospect may have, the trial close is where, in your presentation, you want objections to surface. Don’t get discouraged when you get
objections because The Trial Close is precisely the step where you have the opportunity to overcome them.
Learn to summarize your selling step benefits
Powerful trail closing questions that are direct and assumptive
Encourage hidden objections in this step that gives you greater control when objection handling
Trail closing more effectively will give you greater control during the objection handling step
Techniques are provided to improve your overall calling experience
Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: Objections will surface so you need to be prepared to properly handle them. The key is to never up when you encounter resistance, because objections are an opportunity to continue strengthening your relationship with your prospect,it gives you more time to continue selling your offering, your company, and your ideas.
Its best to be prepared knowing that objections will surface more often than not. Therefore, the tools provided in this training will help you to be more prepared when facing objections, so you can effectively outweigh and overcome them.
You will learn techniques to turn around and diffuse your prospect’s objections
Interpret what your prospects are really trying to tell you.
“I’m not interested” is not the real issue Several techniques are provided to draw out what your prospect really means
Is the objection genuine or just a smoke screen to hide their true feelings? Learn the 6 different universal objection categories and how to define them
Six different objection-handling methods that will help you outweigh and overcome most objections
Whether you are using the telephone as a marketing tool, handling customers, or face to face selling, you will be given powerful responses on the most common objections you will ever encounter
Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: Research reveals that the majority of sales calls end without ever asking the prospect to say YES! Having an effective Close should be a natural conclusion to your presentation. Whether you close or how you close will depend on how successful your presentation was performed. You should have confidence in your close. But often many salespeople are afraid to close, or they simply do NOT close. This is a travesty to the sales culture and why many salespeople are typically average or below average producers. When and How to close will ensure a more positive outcome in your presentation and improve your overall experience!
This training will take you through various closing techniques you can use to ensure a more successful outcome in your close.
You will be given Four actions guides to an effective close along with steps to consider before you attempt to close
There are Three popular closes you will be able to choose from, and you will learn which of the three is ideal to use that is best suited for your prospect
For more originality in your close, you will be given a number of combination and creative closes to further set you apart from your competition
Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: Once you have received a commitment from your prospect in your Close, you need to reinforce and strengthen that commitment with about Close. Many salespeople are instructed to, “Close and get off quickly.” But in reality, what they’re really saying is, “Close and get off quickly, before your prospect changes their mind!” Why be afraid to stay a little longer with your prospect by adding a post close? If the Post Close is done properly it will decrease your cancellation and reschedule rate. Post-Closing serves to overcome your prospect’s fear of, “What have I done now?” This fear occurs after you disengage the call.If you have performed your presentation correctly, you will not get resistance in your post close you can post close with confidence!
In this training you will be given a checklist to consider when post-closing, along with examples of various post closes you can incorporate
The Post Close is a time to gather more information you did not or could not in your Probe step. Learn the best way to ask post-closing questions that are productive and less intrusive.
It’s imperative when either selling or appointment setting you incorporate an effective Confirmation process. You will learn the best way to confirm your prospect’s commitment that reduces cancellations
The question often asked is, “When I am setting an appointment, should I confirm the same day or before…. or not at all?” You will learn the best time to confirm to increase you stick rate. Just by following some of the practices in this training your stick rate will soar!
Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: When it comes to outbound call handling, particularly in the realm of cold calling such as setting appointments or selling, it’s vital to have a third party internally or an outsourcer to handle the confirmation or verification process. The third party is trained to be more objective and ensure the appointment or sale is qualified. Adding a confirmation or verification step helps to ensure the customer is confident that they have made the right decision. If your customer decides to back out of their commitment, the third party, if trained properly, can rehash that commitment.
Reducepermanent cancellations and increase the strength of your customer’s agreement.Using techniques to properly confirm
In this training, you will be given effective confirmation, verification and passing the call scripts. These scripts are vital to haveand to incorporate as a part of your overall call handling objectives
When losing the customer, after the sale or agreement has been made, you will be taught how to win them back in the confirmation step
Common Rebuttals and Verification examples are provided for both consumer and business to business call handling
Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: Depending on the kind of outbound calling you are performing, you may find yourself in the position of having to get past a “gatekeeper”. This is the guardian secretary that is trained to screen you before you are directed to your decision maker. For years, salespeople have tried tricky maneuvers to get through the “gatekeeper” when cold calling businesses. These tactics alarm secretaries to screen more thoroughly and the majority of them know exactly how to screen these callers and ensure these types of callers don’t get through. In this training, you will learn proven techniques that are unique and powerful to help you get through gatekeepers. By learning how to get past the most trained secretary or receptionist, you will have more opportunities to meet with decision makers. This course will improve your overall prospecting experience when calling businesses!
Learn how to take control of the conversation by answering a question with a question or direct the gatekeeper to do something that gains your control back.
Alternative words are given to help you change what you say with a more positive and proactive approach
You will be given dialogs to help you have greater control of the gatekeeper process
Never leave a message with a gatekeeper! Instead, gain insightful information from the secretary to help you get through on your second call.
Statements are included that expresses confidence in your approach and bring more decision makers to you
Control methods are included that are not-intrusive and responses that are completely honest
Scripts are provided to increase your success when speaking with the decision maker.
What words are Emotion Impact, what words influence Negative Reactions, and what words best describe Positive Qualities?
When you fail to get through on the first call, how you end that dialog will help you get through on the second call. Scripts are included to help you get through the gatekeeper on your callbacks.
Online course
Open to everyone
Course Description: There are two parts to this training. Both are equally vital in helping you improve your listening skills.
There is a difference between Hearing and Listening. Hearing can happen without attention and understanding. It is the sound waves falling on the ears of the listener. Effective listening is paying attention and understanding the matter. Listening is very crucial to having perception of what has been said. When listening effectively, you will have a better understanding of your customer, enabling you to have greater control of your presentation or encounter with your customer.In this training you will learn how to listen more effectively and personalize your presentation. You want to avoid a canned or robotic style and give yourself more flexibility in how you present yourself to your customer. You can achieve this when you are able to listen and understand your customer better.
Percentage breakdowns are specified for“listening efficiency”
The importance of effective listening and how it improves our ability to deliver
Skills required for effective listening
A list and explanation of the 8 barriers that prevent one from listening
Effective listening responses are provided with methods designed to improve your listening
Listening exercises included improving your listening abilities
Online course
12:28-Part A -13:39-Part B
Open to everyone
Course Description: This is a three-part course series.Have you have ever asked yourself…….
If any of these questions have been on your mind at one time or another, then this training is for you!This training is caulked full of “how to”and useful tips to increase your knowledge and awareness designed to improve your daily life and make it more manageable and productive!
Proven concepts that help you effectively manage your time and yourself
Defining Approach and Hook statements and how they can help you improve your presentation
When your customer is unreasonable or taking you off track, you will be given full proof methods that will gain back your control without offending your customer
You should have short and long-term goals. Learn how to manage your goals to help you achieve them
Everyone needs to improve their time management. Useful tips are provided to help you manage your time more effectively, so you can end your day feeling more accomplished
To have a more successful life, follow the DEW method. What is exactly the DEW method? You will find out in this training. You will learn what it is and how to apply it into your everyday life
Do you want to overcome the Biggest Time Wasters and learn how to properly delegate to free you up for more important tasks? This training will help you discover your biggest time wasters and how you can master control of your time
Online course
(3 parts to this module) 24:44-Part 1, 15:17-Part 2, 24:12-Part 3
Open to everyone
Course Description: When learning new concepts, you need to practice them prior to actual implementation. Role-playing is extremely effective for achieving this. Cooperation from your agents is a key factor in effective role-playing. Therefore, this training offers ideas to motivate your staff when role-playing. When agents can simulate in advance actual scenarios they will increase their ability and overall confidence when handling customers. Not all role-play is productive or even effective. It’s imperative to learn best practices on how to conduct an effective role-play session that is productive and achieves your objectives. When you can improve your agents role-play sessions, the outcome is rewarding for everyone. Your agent’s confidence and success depend on how effective your role-play sessions are.
You will be given helpful tips on how to add fun to the role-play, and challenging ways to keep role-playing interactive with willing participants
We will review the Objection Techniques from Module 10 and learn how to create a positive and nurturing environment for role-playing that is welcoming to your agents
A clear direction and rules are provided for role-playing, along with how to evaluate your agents’ performances that are proactive and not reactive
Listening evaluation forms are included where you can custom fit them for your in-house operations
Learn best exercises on how to motivate and encourage role-play as a daily practice and make the most out of your agents’ role-playing experience.
Online course
Open to everyone